They introduced the show with a country and western song 'Daddy's Girl'. Country and western music is loved by a wide spectrum of Dominica's over 50s (and some younger) - and indeed the respectable christian values and themes espoused in its lyrics chime with the values of many of its Dominican fans. Daddy's girl speaks of the special love of a father for his daughter - a prominent theme in my work and which crops up later in the their discussion during the show.
Red Sovine - Daddy's Girl
Next Delia Cuffy-Weeks reads out an interesting recent aricle from the Trinidad Express entitled 'Feminist Fathering: a road less travelled' about a young Trinidadian father, musician and scholar who has reflected deeply on feminist critiques of normative gendered ascip-/prescriptions and reflexively integrated them into his fathering practice.
The discussants then go on to discuss a host of fascinating themes such as paternal discipline and fearing fathers (who they call 'papa djab' kweyol for 'devil daddy' the father only known for beating);
they speak of of paternal becoming, learning to become a father (esp. amongst men who didn't know their own father) ;
they speak of mothers 'who father' and fathers 'who mother' (the former a perennial anthropological debate - see Edith Clarke 1957 and Lazarus Black 1991- and the latter a newer public conversation);
they discuss reproduction, romantic love and its perils (given the brittleness of heterosexual conjugal, intimate, romantic unions);
Rodney also offers some scriptural critical analysis of gender roles, and biblical reflections on fatherly influence and guidance;
And many more fascinating themes....
Here is a recording of the show -
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